JASON CAMPBELL is a native of the Southside of Chicago who is considered by his peers as a true rose that grew from the concrete. Jason sharpened his skillset in corporate America, working in a marketing and global branding capacity for some of the world’s most prestigious Fortune 500 companies. Over the past 8 years, Jason has worked on many of your favorite athlete’s personal brands, orchestrating their endorsement deals, philanthropic campaigns, and business development endeavors. 

All of this with the goal of helping his clients create global, self-sustaining brands that transcend their sport. His fingerprints can be found across the entire sports spectrum, NBA, NFL, MLB, NASCAR, USTA (Tennis) and most recently the NHL. Whether its real estate, tech or cannabis, Jason seems to have his finger on the pulse of the next industry that is going to boom. 

His deep-seated passion for community development has lead to the fusion of his sports, real estate and tech interest to be in alignment with his philanthropic work; providing much-needed resources to the less fortunate in Tanzania, China, and South Africa, just to name a few. Jason wholeheartedly believes, if you live your brand, and work your brand, then you will love your brand. Something he preaches to his clients every day. 

Learn more at https://www.brandbsports.com/aboutus