Co-Founder and COO of FanSaves Inc. a mobile app that gives sports fans discounts and deals from the sponsors of their favorite teams, helping teams increase sponsorship sales and fan engagement.




"We're looking for something more digital" -Business Owner

"We would like to be able to track our ROI and customer analytics" -Business Owners

"We want our brand to be seen on non-game days and in the off-season" -Business Owner

These are all things my co-founder and I heard repeatedly from business owners while we were outselling sponsorship for the two minor professional hockey teams we were managing in 2017. One problem we often faced was that traditional inventory included in our sponsorship packages like rink boards and scoreboard ads were no longer appealing to brands. While we did have packages that included promotion on our team's website and social media this did little drive traffic into our partner's establishments. Instead, business owners wanted to be able to reach their target market digitally and be able to measure their return on investment with data. This is where the concept of FanSaves was born.

On the FanSaves App, you can follow your favorite sports teams and get access to discounts and deals offered by their sponsors. The app is free for fans to download and is a great digital conduit between sponsors and fans helping drive engagement. Sports fans love that they can save money in their community while supporting their favorite teams.

At FanSaves we are passionate about innovation and providing our partners with the digital solutions they need to drive sales.

For more information DM me here in LinkedIn or check out our website at