Passionate about strategy, leadership and entrepreneurship, my work experience is primarily concerned with providing strategic solutions that will improve upon the overall business efficiency, along with help in achieving company and individual goals.

I have been employed in the technology, healthcare services and education sector for 15+ years, I have collaborated with business partners with regards to devising business strategy, issue mitigation strategy and process improvements, I have developed and led hard-working teams, and in the process of this I have molded myself an effective and proactive leader.


• Leadership and Development

• Entrepreneurship

• Business Strategy and Corporate Governance

• Fundraising

• Business Partnerships

• Data Strategy and Roadmap

• Content Marketing

• Risk and Issue mitigation Strategy

• Technology project portfolio

• Project and Program Management


• Helped raise $1M+ for the startups that I cofounded

• Grew revenues from $0 to $30K/month

• Achieved productivity in excess of 35% in several mission-critical projects

• Achieved $3M+ savings in operating cost