The politically correct wave is and has swept over our country in all aspects of endeavor. The statues of jeffereson Davis, Robert E. Lee are under constant complaint  ripe with bigotry and hate. Some groups have taken into their own hands and as a group felled statues they feel are coated with bigotry. The great American composer Stephen Fosters statue was taken down as racist. With this wave of political offensiveness permeating our culture, who is right? What is wrong? who should determine our historical past. As the human race evolves with more information and practical intelligence,  do we look at the icons of the past with distain? Is President Harry Truman  really a villian because of his support to drop the Atom bomb on Japan saving perhaps millions of  American lives? The Philadelphia Flyers are taking down the statue of Kate Smith who was the teams "good luck" charm of the Stanley Cup 70's team because she once sang racist songs on Broadway. Was Robert E Lee wrong to fight for the Confederacy? Who and what makes the rights and wrongs of our past? Join Sports beat host John spoulos as we discuss with compassion for both sides our historical relics of the past.