In the 1920's a guy by the name of Babe Ruth graced the lawns at Yankee Stadium. While most players had to obtain second jobs for financial stability, the "Bambino" as he was called made the astronomical sum of 70,000$ a year during that time frame. Players in pro sports made waht most cosidered good money but with the advent of TV and sponsors, as well as rival leagues, income skyrocketed to unbelievable new heights where players found themselves making a kings ranson in salary. With many lucrative contracts as well as those of tenure, many players don't always add up to their exorbitant salaries. Just last week, Bryce Harper was granted the biggest contactual amount in sports history. Over 325, 000,000$. The question however is, will he be worth the money and theĀ  length of contract? Join Sports beat host John Spoulos a swe look at the facts of Bryce Harper's huge payday and how it will affect both him, the Philadelphia Phillies and the league.