Next Episode: Week One Recap

Holy batman, it’s Game Week!!! The guys are back, and in midseason form for Week 1 of the Washington Football season. We’ll break down the Huskies’ position-by-position starting with the announcement of Jeff Lindquist as the starting quarterback. After this … Continue reading →

Holy batman, it’s Game Week!!! The guys are back, and in midseason form for Week 1 of the Washington Football season. We’ll break down the Huskies’ position-by-position starting with the announcement of Jeff Lindquist as the starting quarterback. After this preview you’ll be the smartest husky fan at your tailgate! Make sure to stick around for a breakdown of the Hawaii Warriors, Husky future scheduling news, and the ever-popular “Beer of the Week Segment.” Also be sure to listen to find out how Alex survived the earthquake, and how Kyle got bitten a bat!