If you’ve kept up this far, you know that the quickest way to learn is to… READ. It’s a mundane task for most, but it’s the most important. It keeps our brain sharp, mental libraries full, and our writing skills- top notch. Here are some essential reads for you to DOMINATE your game.

Episode 135 Time Stamps:

(2:10) Do you read consistently?

(6:13) #1: Bill Walsh’s, “The Score Takes Care of Itself” | Performance standards | How your level of detail and FOCUS is necessary for success

(9:14) #2: 50 Cent & Robert Greene’s, “50th Law” | Becoming FEARLESS | Dominant mindset

(11:24) Shoutout to Chance! (For putting me on to Book #3)

(12:10) #3: Mark Age's, "How to Do All Things" | Controlling your subconscious mind | Oneness within nature and all things |Your use of divine power

(13:44) #4: Urban Meyer's, "Above The Line: Lessons in Leadership and Life from a Championship Program" | TRUST

(15:52) #5: Wallace D. Wattles’, “The Science of Getting Rich” | The law of attraction | Taking massive amounts of action | DO-ing with passion | All things contribute to your advancement

(18:30) #6: Tim Grover's, "Relentless" | Unbelievable trust and internal standards | Crazy preparation | Gametime mentality

(20:20) #7: David Deida's, "The Way of the Superior Man" | Knowledge of SELF | Lion in the jungle

(22:08) #8: Nick Saban’s, “How Good Do You Want to Be?” | Set high standards for self | Be incredibly demanding/flexible

(24:02) #9: Mark Divine’s, “Way of the Seal” | Setting up your "mind gym" | Powerful mental conditioning

BONUS: Book #10 is U.S. Andersen’s, “Three Magic Words: The Key to Power, Peace and Plenty”... I will ship this book to the FIRST THREE people to email me at [email protected] with these three "magic" things:

1) Do you use the worksheets I provide? Tell me your favorite one, and explain how it has helped with your personal growth!

2) Have you subscribed and reviewed this podcast on iTunes? If you have, send me screenshots (or pictures of your subscription and review). If you haven't, you're not too late to do so.

3) This last task is a walk in the park... Click HERE to redirect you to our new Get Ya Mind Right podcast. Subscribe, and leave a review (just like the previous task), and send me snapshots of those as well.

For the first three of you that complete this mission, you can expect more than just a book delivered to your doorstep... Ready, set, GO!



Today's blog post can be found here: Episode #135 Blog

Need a Sports Results Coach?: SRC Program

Check out the new GYMR Podcast on iTunes!


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Much love!