Building Confidence & Self-Belief

Whether you think you can, or you think you can't - you're right.

Henry Ford

Self-confidence is the psychological wonder drug! Everything improves when an athlete's confidence is high. Athletes with high confidence feel less anxious, relish adversity, set higher goals, try harder, tolerate more exertional pain, feel more in control, are more optimistic and enthusiastic, and do better under pressure. They also give less of a $#!+ when things don't go according to plan. And these are just outcomes that have been studied extensively.


Self-Confidence - A feeling of trust in one's abilities, qualities, and judgement.

Self-Esteem - Confidence in one's own worth or abilities; self respect

Self-Efficacy - Refers to an individual's confidence in in their ability to complete a task of achieve a goal.

Self-Worth - is based on deeply held feelings about your true value & worth as a person.

What's the single-most -important psychological skill for an athlete to possess? It isn't motivation, tenacity, optimism, concentration, or attitude - it's SELF-CONFIDENCE, the belief that you can succeed.