Professional athletes are at the top of the attention graph for obvious reasons. They are elite at what they do and have adoring fans that hang on their every word. In a perfect world these athletes could be who they really are on social media, but because of their influence and being under such a critical microscope that is often not the case. They have to be meticulous about their image and what they say because one false tweet or action can cause a storm of negative PR that could bring their whole world crashing down.

Brian Cristiano and Rob Cressy dish about if professional athletes should outsource their social media or keep things authentic and handle it themselves. Should professional teams have social media training in place for their athletes? What are the pro’s and con’s having a social media team handle the messaging for an athletes personal brand?

At the end Brian and Rob give actionable advice for what you can learn from how professional athletes handle their social media and how you can implement it with your business.


In each episode of The Sports Marketing Huddle Brian and Rob give a forward-thinking perspective about some of the hottest topics in the world of sports marketing and then give you actionable advice for how you can implement it into your business.

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Brian Cristiano - @Brian_Cristiano - Snapchat @Brian_Cristiano
Rob Cressy - @RobCressy - Snapchat @BaconSports

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