Corey Koskie thinks we’re making some serious mistakes when it comes to kids’ sports.  And he knows a thing or two about what it takes to compete at the highest level.     He spent nearly 20 years playing professional baseball with 11 years in the major leagues with the Minnesota Twins, Toronto Blue Jays and Milwaukee Brewers.    Corey and his wife have four sons and he’s watched youth sports evolve and consume some families.  He has four sons of his own and he’s been outspoken about the traps we can fall into with specializing in one sport at a young age and the money that drives youth leagues.    In this episode Corey is frank and funny about what he sees in youth sports today.  As a multi-sport athlete himself in his native Manitoba, he calls for more free play and time off.     Corey is an executive board member for PCA  Minnesota and he has his own website dedicated to inspiring young athletes.