On the Friday January 5 edition of BangTheBook Radio, host Adam Burke was joined by James Salinas, better known as rounding again, to wrap up the 2017 Westgate SuperContest. Adam finished with a 44-40-1 record and James, who won in 2015 and placed third in 2016, also finished out of the money. The guys talked about how they feel about the picks that they made and also looked ahead to the future of the SuperContest.

The repeal of PASPA and legalization could have long-term effects, but what about in the short-term? Will we see more growth? What about the SuperContest Gold, where the winning score of 52 points was the cut-off to just make the money in the regular SuperContest? Was that an outlier because favorites did so well or a sign of things to come? The SuperContest is fascinating and we wrapped it up with a great segment.