Sports Dad Hub Podcast Episode 21 with Texas high school football coaching legend, Randy Jackson. Coach Jackson is a 30-year coaching veteran. He's won multiple coaching awards, including the Texas 4A Coach of the Year Award in 2010 when he and his staff orchestrated one of the biggest turnarounds in Texas high school football history.

He was hired as the football coach at Mesquite Poteet following a 1-19 season. Coach Jackson and his staff took that team to 12-3 the following season.

Key To The Turnaround

After such a tremendous turnaround, many people asked coach what the key was. Did he install a new and innovative offensive system? Did he create groundbreaking new defensive schemes? Did he recruit a completely different roster of stud players?

Nope. It wasn't any of those things.

The key was one word... CULTURE.

Culture Defeats Strategy

Coach Jackson came in and completely rebuilt the culture of their football program. He helped players feel "10 foot tall and bulletproof." He helped them believe in themselves and in each other. He helped them visualize their success before it happened.

Insights You Can Apply To Your Life & Family

This episode is great for coaches of any sport and sports parents of all sports. Coach Jackson shares a ton of insights from the coaching world that relate to leading our families. 

Here are a few of the topics you'll learn from episode 21: 

When coach learn how important it is to build a team around culture.How to get kids to believe in themselves.How kids can help their teammates and/or siblings believe in themselves. How to paint a vision of the future for the people you're leading and have them buy in.How important it is for a leader to "over believe" and "sell it" to your team, whether you actually believe it or not. How sports parents create a positive culture within their household.How to create a set of core values as a family unit. Are leaders born or created?Why it's more important to talk to kids about being an "encourager" instead of being a "leader." 

Where To Learn More From Coach Randy Jackson

If you want to learn more from coach Randy Jackson you can buy his books and/or order some of the awesome training and coaching programs and courses he has available on his website

Sports Parents' Side Hustle

If your kids have big sports dreams, you know that's going to cost a lot of money in today's youth sports world. The older they get and the higher they rise through the skill levels, the prices just keep going up.

Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to offset those extra expenses, WITHOUT fundraising?

There is! I call it the Sports Parents' Side Hustle.

It's helping my wife and me offset some of the crazy expenses we face with two boys in travel hockey. It's the ideal side hustle for busy, schedule-packed sports parents.

Click here to send me a DM on Facebook and just say "Side hustle." Once we're connected on Messenger I'll be able to send you some details to check out. 

If it's a good fit for you, I'd love to help you launch your side hustle so that you can support your kids' sports dreams, without stressing about the expenses.