Guest: Jeremy Evans

Tonight, we welcomed Jeremy Evans on to the program.

Jeremy is a self-described “madman” in the marketing world.

We talk about how Jeremy got his start, who some of his mentors are, and how he arrived at his philosophy of life.


Join Brian and Jeremy at:

Tom Woods School of Life



Book mentioned:

Albion’s Seed by David Hackett Fischer


Greg Stemm


Spanish gold crisis

Errata: Your humble host erroneously claimed that the Spanish Republican government gave away about 90% of its gold reserves to the Russians in order to help finance its side of the Spanish Civil War.

It turns out, the “Republic” only gave away 72.6% of the total gold reserves sitting in the Bank of Spain.

Still a significant number (510 metric tons of gold) and one of many major blunders on behalf of Republican Spain.


Join Jeremy at Atlas Talked.


Brian at


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