An oldie but goodie show is back and ready to get underway.  Welcome back to The Crossover Cafe with The Sport City Chefs!  This season has gotten off to a late start and we have a good amount of teams that have not stumbled out of the blocks.  The Big 3 in Brooklyn finally got to play and try to gel in a losing effort in Cleveland.  The question is can they make this work with Steve Nash and Mike D'Antoni with the  mindset of firepower only?  Is Golden State a team to worry about in the West again?  They've already had big comebacks and threaten the big teams out west as well.  Join hosts Tyrone "TP Tymeless" Powell,  Eric "Big Easy" Gross and Vin Servidio for another Food For Thought Show hopefully you can still do the dishes.  Tell a friend to tell a friend that it's The Sport City Chefs AGAIN!  If they don't know??.............. NOW THEY