The NFL front office show is back after a week away, and good grief do we have a TON of NFL dishes to cook. The NFL playoff picture has got more jumbled up sicne we last opned these doors. On the AFC side we've got 6 teams sitting at 7-6, the Chiefs on a 2 game losing streak, and the only the New England Patriots being the only team that's been mathmatically elliminated from postseason contention. On the NFC side there's 5 teams with a 6-7 record and Carolina Panthers beiing the only team that's  mathmatically elliminated from postseason contention. 

On tonights show we're going to speak on the officials lack of consistancy, QB's being injured, and the teams that we have faith in as we come down the home stretch. 

Join Aaron "Serious" Simmons and the rest of the chefs as we comb through the news and notes from around the league. Tell a friend to tell a friend.