It’s the last day of March, which means we are continuing to CELEBRATE WOMEN, Stephen discusses the new NASCAR schedule for 2020: tracking canceled & postponed races as coronavirus pandemic continues; the U.S. now has the most confirmed cases worldwide-more than 139,700 and more than 2,400 deaths, according to a CNN count, New York State has more than 1,000 coronavirus-related deaths. Italy's death toll is now the highest in the world; how Coronavirus and social distancing will affect teams during the NFL draft as they insist on starting the draft on April 23; President Trump extended social distancing guidelines to April 30; The U.S. Treasury Secretary says Americans could expect stimulus checks to be direct deposited in their accounts within three weeks; U.S. Civil Rights Office rejects rationing medical care based on Disability, Age-Medical providers must not engage in “ruthless utilitarianism” in deciding who gets lifesaving treatment for the coronavirus-as warned by a federal civil rights officer; the 2020 NBA free-agency, draft and trade decisions for all 30 teams are still taking place, Cruise lines excluded from Senate's $2 trillion stimulus bill as Congressman McCarthy says fourth stimulus bill might not be necessary, today, 51 State Democratic Party Chairs have called for action from state and federal elected officials to protect our voting infrastructure from the effects of the coronavirus.and more if we can fit it in at 7:15pm, EST.