p. 28 “May every moment in my life and the lives of others be one of wisdom, flourishing, and inner peace!” p. 38 “We are very much like birds that have lived too long in a cage to which we return even when we get the chance to fly away. We have grown so accustomed […]

p. 28 “May every moment in my life and the lives of others be one of wisdom, flourishing, and inner peace!”

p. 38 “We are very much like birds that have lived too long in a cage to which we return even when we get the chance to fly away. We have grown so accustomed to our faults that we can barely imagine what life would be like without them. The prospect of change makes us dizzy.”

p. 42 “Pleasures become obstacles only when they upset the mind’s equilibrium and lead to an obsession with gratification or an aversion to anything that thwarts them.”

pp. 56-57 “When individuals change by bringing their consciousness to maturity, the world changes too, because the world is made up of individuals.” – Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza

Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill

Matthieu Ricard

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