Thanks for Jeff Haas for setting us up with a time to talk with Si Spurrier! We had to have Casey take this one as the time it happened at was 2am in Seattle and Kenric and John were both fast asleep (technically John was just going to be at the time of the interview).

John Constantine Hellblazer has just launched on DC Black Label and we had the chance to read it (check out our review here!) and talk with Si about his approach to tackling a character as rich and entertaining as John Constantine.

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Casey's Notes for the call:

He does a lot of world building (or his work seems to suggest that he does). How does he balance world-building with finding a specific engaging personal story?

How much does he rely on the artist to help with the world building? Does he want to hire me to draw his next comic?

How does John Constantine feel about the many other gruff trench-coated urban wizards who've sprung up in fiction? Does their existence affect how you approach writing him?

Ask him what his favorite SFX is.

Well he did a bunch of X-men right? And they just overhauled. I think a what do you think of their new normal might be apt. Or what would be his MCU X-men dream team.

He's also just posted about how people are converting to digital but they aren't paying for them.

Maybe what might incentives people to buy digital issues instead of pirating them or is there a better way to make digital profitable?

Or he's jumping to Hellblazer... Maybe something about if it will be able to push as far now that vertigo is gone?

Shoot, I like Hellblazer but I'm definitely not current on it!! I'm a big fan of the vertigo run, but the non mature readers version didn't hold much appeal to me. So I'd be most curious to know which version his version is going to veer towards.

I just did a quick search, and saw Aaron Campbell is drawing the book, which is a great choice. I'd be curious if they'd worked together before and all that stuff - mostly this sounds pretty rad.

Ask about Epiphany- John’s wife from the original Hellblazer. Ask which versions of Constantine did he draw inspiration from.

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