John Vespasian is an international author who writes about rational philosophy, psychology, and personal development. His works include Undisrupted: How Highly-Effective People Deal with Disruptions, Sequentiality: The Amazing Power of Finding the Right Sequence of Steps, Thriving in Difficult Times, On Becoming Unbreakable, Consistency: The Key to Permanent Stress Relief, and the novel, When Everything Fails, Try This. He has appeared on several shows and interviews, including The Mike Wagner Show and Changing World.

John joins me today to discuss the keys to rational living. He explains what it means to be rational and highlights the importance of learning from history. He reveals why he uses anecdotes and stories rather than statistics and psychological theory when writing his books. He shares the stories of historical figures like John Paxton and illustrates how we should work towards personal development. He also shares strategies to make us more resilient as well as reveals the main drivers of success.


“When you have to make crucial decisions, look through the perspective of a lifetime. It helps you make better decisions and become more rational.” - John Vespasian


Today on the #SpohnTrained Personal Development Podcast:

Why John started writing books on personal development and makes use of history instead of psychological theory The meaning of rationality The definition, and the different kinds of, disruption The life of John Paxton and the importance of taking small steps towards innovation and personal development How Émile Coué realized the power of positive thinking Perspectives and strategies for resiliency in life How society’s view of instantaneous success and instant gratification fuel depression The importance of learning from history How “systematic fragmentation” drives successful peoples’ careers The causes of, and how to deal with, indecisiveness How goal-setting can help you deal with disruptions How to reduce risks while making important decisions


Connect with John Vespasian:

John Vespasian John Vespasian on Twitter John Vespasian on Facebook Book: Undisrupted: How Highly-Effective People Deal with Disruptions Book: Sequentiality: The Amazing Power of Finding the Right Sequence of Steps Book: Thriving in Difficult Times Book: On Becoming Unbreakable Book: Consistency: The Key to Permanent Stress Relief Book: When Everything Fails, Try This


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