Something we all do, although most do it poorly, is deal with and invest money. There is a reason most people stay poor and its because the computer between our ears does not come out of the box programmed to understand money. Hedge fund manager, author of the book Hacking Money and wealth architect, Mark Yegge, dives into all things finance and the psychology of money. We unpack the state of the market, how to navigate our financial system, how to invest for "asymetrical risk", why our emotions lead us astray and even where the current market bubble is (its not bitcoin). Learn how to identify your own investment bias and find the only real shortcut to wealth. "There is a fast way to get rich. And there is a slow way to get rich. and the fast way is the slow way."

"Emotions goes up, intelligence goes down."

Mark's Cash Flow Machine:

Mark's Books
Hacking Money

Negotiate to Win Win

The Secrets of Business

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