From starship to space station, Picard to Sisko - we discover what else is new as we unpack another fascinating chapter of the Star Trek franchise. It's Deep Space Nine!

This month we’re joined by passionate fan of DS9, Alice Farrant, to discuss series Pilot, ‘Emissary’ as well as Alice’s own mystery Guest pick but what episode will she choose to convince Liam, Matt and Paul that the show is worth exploring further? Is Avery Brooks as damn fine an Actor as Sir Patrick Stewart turned out to be? Who was Alice’s biggest Trek crush? Did ‘The Secret World of Alex Mack’ really exist or is it just a creation of Matt’s frenzied imagination? Was Odo friendzoned by Kira and do we even agree with the use of that problematic term? The answers to all this and more await you so (insert catchphrase here) and come with us as we discover if DS9 ever really did go anywhere after all.


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