Can you guess when I joined GISHWHES for the first time? Aah, nostalgia for Team AngrySandwich! So clearly I enjoy this episode (at least until the last two minutes...) :'D

Dean finally gets a little respite from his feelings via the aforementioned sandwich, only for realty to crash back down on him ten times as hard. And he and Sam each have a heartfelt conversation with Bobby, before the aforementioned last two minutes.

But before that, we have an awful lot of fun... A return to the mytharc and Dick Roman and a glimpse at the sinister larger plans the Leviathans are carrying out while the narrative strips Sam and Dean of everything they love... even the simple things like "electricity" and "running water."


The Superwiki page

My tag (only 3 pages and half of them are gifs, so really here’s my rewatch notes from July 2017)

Lizbob’s Dean and Cas are In Love series

The fic I can remember off the top of my head where I sneaked Ranger Rick in: Around the World in 24 Days, technically part 5 of the Tumblr Anonymous ‘verse (aka Project Beyonce). It’s over 101k, rated M, and destiel, based on the Amazing Race. I made Rick one of the easter egg cameramen, so it’s not like he’s got a big part. But never pass up a chance to plug your own work! :D


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