We delve into the world of film and find the forgotten gems or otherwise unappreciated masterpieces of film and talk about them. This episode we discuss one of the best films of all time 'Kangaroo Jack' (2003) which stars famous people like Jerry O'Connell, Anthony Anderson, Estella Warren, Michael Shannon? Of course Christopher Walken! Paul Giamatti would have but he was too busy being in Thunderpants and Big Fat Liar. In this commentary we talk about the interesting questions that are brought from watching this brilliant film and we hope that we answer some of those questions. This episode features Ryan Sliwinski, Bartek Kasprzyszak and Luke Peverelle, press play at 3:17 sorry for the false start guys the player was being silly but that doesn't matter if you wear your lucky jackets and have a wonderful experience for this is the magic that is 'Kangaroo Jack'Thanking you very much listening people.