This Spiritual Waimai is a part of a series entitled, “The Way of the Cross: The Rroad to Resurrection” where we retrace the steps of Jesus Christ from Gethsemane to Golgotha.

For centuries, Christian pilgrims from around the world have traveled to Jerusalem to walk the “Via Dolorosa” or the Way of the Cross. It is the reenactment of the journey Jesus took from Gethsemane through the streets of Old Jerusalem to the place where it is believed that Jesus was crucified. For the faithful who are not able to make the physical trip to Jerusalem, some churches around the world have recreated the Way of the Cross in their sanctuaries with a guided meditation of scripture and traditionally accompanied by art depicting the scenes from the Bible. 

Now will complete journey through Stations of the Way of the Cross with stations 10 – 14. Here our Lord is crucified, He breaths His last breath and He is buried. Let us listen with our hearts to the powerful words of scripture and may the inspired paintings of French artist James Tissot lead us to worship our Savior.