In this episode, Devi chats with Julia Stege about Authentic Branding and Why Marketing the "Normal" Way Can Actually Sabotage Your Heart-Based Business. 

Devi and Julia discuss:

What Julia learned about marketing when she worked on Madison Avenue The tactics that a lot of people use in marketing that sabotage their heart-based business How to become fulfilled through your marketing rather than marketing to just "get clients" The cultural shift in attunement to the truth that makes it so important, to be honest in your marketing Julia's story of "coming out" spiritually in her business The deep relationships that you can attract by being authentically you in your brand The two types of messaging Knowing what your "visuals" say about you Putting your vibration "out there" in a way that the Universe will connect you to your ideal clients Saying what you need to say and revealing yourself through your aesthetic Integrating all of the parts of yourself in your brand The mantra questions to ask yourself in order to align yourself and to have an attractive brand How to find your "tick" statement and what makes your ideal clients "tick" Integrating your "tick" words into your offer Coming out with what makes you "weird", so your "weirdo" tribe can find you Empathizing with your client's problem  The importance of surveying your clients regularly The 2 secs that you have to get across what makes you "tick" and to let your potential client know that you understand their problem The power of beauty to hold the attention of a potential client Doing the 2-3 things that are fun, fulfilling and sustainable for you and your business on a regular basis Remembering to be yourself in your marketing and your business

and more…

Learn more about Julia Stege:

Julia helps out-of-the-box entrepreneurs and change-makers to clarify and express their purpose through marketing that attracts their perfect customers from across the globe. Her magical realm of talent is branding and creating inspired websites for clients who are as serious about attracting divinely aligned clients online as they are about changing the world. Since 1997, hundreds of clients united in their desire to show up authentically in their marketing have worked with Julia to showcase what makes them special and distinct online. Their Wildly Attractive WebsitesTM serve as magnets that attract leads, clients, and difference-making opportunities from around the world. 

Connect with Julia on her website @ 

Her FREE Book: Branding from the Heart How to Share Your Purpose Through Marketing That Attracts Your Tribe and Inspires a Revolution 

Resources Mentioned:

Jan Stringer:  You can listen to Jan's episode here.
Abraham Hicks