In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we are still on the Manifestation series, and this week we talk about moving past manifestation blocking. We have been talking a lot about manifesting and sometimes there are “bumps in the road” that we face during manifestation.

You may find it hard or frustrating to manifest or have doubts and wonder if what you want to manifest can really turn into reality. But let me tell you that you can manifest.  You are already manifesting all of the time, even if it is not what you want, whether you are conscious of it or not.  And, manifesting what you really “want’ is supported by out of the conversation of it being hard and shifting your feelings of being frustrated by it. In this episode, we show you how to do that.

A sneak peek at the episode:

[11:18] “Again, go back into your body and start to find where you are holding resistance? What's showing up for you and start to move that through and work that energy through the same way.”

[13:54] “if you can get aligned with that and you can feel the alignment with it, do that.”

Happy Listening!

PS - Interested in manifestation? Want to manifest great things this year? Start by joining us at

PPS- If you'd love to join us with more of these types of spiritual practices, these are some of the types of things that we work on inside of the playground would love to have you come and join us over at