In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about “Voworking”. You can use this practice to not only powerfully wrap up 2021, but also really step into 2022 in an extremely powerful way. 

This can help us not only build momentum in our business, but also help us to experience the journey of spiritual entrepreneurship in a way where we feel really supported by others and where we don't feel like we're doing this journey alone. 

What you will learn in this episode:

What is “Voworking”
How to create momentum in your business through “Vowoking”
Co-creating with a team and it’s benefits 

A sneak peek at the episode:

[11:14] “Cause there's something that happens whenever two or more of us are gathered together, So. When two of us come together, one in one does not equal two, It really equals 11”
[20:42] “I encourage you, If you'd be willing just this week, sit down, map that out for 2022. Just even that piece of when this is going to happen, meditate on who is the perfect divine partner for you for working. ”


Happy Listening!


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