In this episode of the Spiritual Entrepreneur, we talk about how to slow down to speed up. Do you often find yourself running around and juggling “ALL of the things”, finding that there is just not enough space in the day to get it ALL done? Maybe, juggling priorities and realizing that something has to give or your wellbeing will? I realized moving back here to DC that in order to be of the support that I need to be to the people that I love here, something had to give. I can’t run at the same pace that I used to in my business and life in California. I have had to slow down. What I didn’t realize is what would happen in the process of me slowing down, letting go of the “extra” and creating space in my day for what matters most.
Listen in this week to hear what I discovered. It has been life-expanding for me.

What you will learn in this episode:

Slowing down Creating spaciousness  How this leads to speeding up in a new way

A sneak peek at the episode:

[11:07] “I also recognize that this is a period of time when these things are needing to be done in my life and they are a season for me.”
[17:48] “And now there's spaciousness for you to be present in this season, in your life with the things that matter most to you right here, right now”

Happy Listening!

PS - Spiritual Entrepreneurs Playground is going LIVE for founder this 11/11 at 11 EST Make sure to check out if you are interested to be part of the founding members’ group!

To get weekly updates and the latest episodes, follow me on Instagram @deviadea.