In this episode, Devi chats with David Wood about “Tough Conversations for Spiritual Entrepreneurs.” David built the world’s largest coaching business, becoming #1 on Google for life coaching, and serving an audience of 150,000 coaches around the globe. He now coaches high performing entrepreneurs, executives, and leaders to play the best game they possibly can, deepening connection and living a regret-free life. How? By setting life-changing goals, taking laser-focused action, and increasing their levels of Truth, Daring, and Caring - in both life and work.

He loves sharing his message of Playing for Real on live stages, podcast interviews, and radio shows, and has been best described as "playful and deep".

A former Consulting Actuary to Fortune 100 companies - including Sony Music, Proctor & Gamble, and Exxon - David left his cushy Park Avenue job 20 years ago to explore both the outer world and his own inner world. Along the way, he's coached thousands of hours in a dozen countries around the globe and is the author of "Get Paid For Who You Are," with foreword by Jack Canfield. He was nominated to the Transformational Leadership Council, alongside such thought leaders as Don Miguel Ruiz, John Gray, Marci Shimoff, and Vishen Lakhiani.

David combines the left brain of a consulting actuary, with a right brain of a personal growth junkie - making him the ideal bridge between the worlds of amazing results and deep connection.

Devi and David discuss:

David’s inspiring and exceptional back story David’s journey in the Himalayas Expanding your life Facing your fears Being daring & self-expression Going beyond the sweet spot of challenge Fully expressing yourself Feeling more complete in your life Freedom and self-expression Going back into your list of regrets Learning something from a tough conversation How to start a tough conversation Sharing your intention and hope Checking for the impact of your conversation Defining moments in relationships Finding alignment in conversation Avoiding tough conversations Setting the intention of a conversation David’s grand vision for entrepreneurial teams

and more…

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