In this episode Devi chats with Jodi Kittelman about "Unlocking Your Genetic Potential". Jodi is a gifted intuitive holistic healer and owner of True Vitality Healing. Her mission is to unlock and expand people’s energy to optimize their genetic potential. She has a vision to see all people living in the fullness of their God-given purpose. Jodi has transformed the lives of thousands of tough cases that no one else has been able to find solutions for by tapping into the body’s wisdom and ability to heal. Her clients have nicknamed her “The Body Whisperer” because of her gift to quickly identify blockages and identify the underlying cause of stress and disease.

Jodi’s passion for healing was ignited as a young child. She struggled to heal her own health issues that continued to get worse through adulthood. The doctors had no answers or solutions except to label her with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and irritable bowel. She tried everything she could with little success. This led her to pursue alternative methods of healing where she was finally able to get the answers and solutions she had so desperately been searching for. Because she felt a strong desire to help others find answers to their health puzzles, she pursued a degree from Bastyr University as well as a Nutritional Therapist degree. Jodi has also mastered several different advanced muscle testing techniques that she has uniquely combined to make her own. She has vowed to always continue learning.

Jodi is a mother to an amazing 17-year-old son and has practiced in both Encinitas, California and Auburn, Washington.

Devi and Jodi discuss:

Jodi’s inspiring journey Jodi’s health issues Being desperately normal Finding health answers through alternative medicine Unlocking your genetic potential Clarity of consciousness Balancing the entire body chemistry The role of the Vitamin-D receptor in your body Human genetic variation Reaching the fullness of body potential God’s role in Jodi’s entrepreneurship Praying for more healing Being connected to God Witnessing the transformation of others' lives Energy Testing Looking for clarity of mind Increasing your energy naturally Realizing that emotional health is important Food that changes DNA Being gluten sensitive Different types of collagen Doing whatever you can do, naturally Jodi’s latte collagen recipe The difference between "whole food" and "non-whole food" supplements Listening to your body Eating your food consciously

and more…

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