In this episode, Devi chats with AnnMarie Rose about “Building a Purposeful Brand".  AnnMarie Rose is a brand development expert who empowers purpose-driven creative entrepreneurs to elevate and evolve their brands so they can make a meaningful impact online while growing businesses that align with the work they’re truly meant to do in the world.

After spending more than half a decade working with a wide range of clients -- from multimillion dollar international brands, to startups and solopreneurs -- AnnMarie knows the key to creating long-term business growth and success online isn’t a viral video or a popular Facebook Page. It’s a clear, compelling message and a streamlined brand strategy.

AnnMarie is the creator of the Brand Impact Foundation method -- a brand development framework that’s helped hundreds of creative entrepreneurs gain clarity, eliminate overwhelm and take their businesses to the next level while experiencing freedom and fulfillment in the process. She also shares her best brand development insights weekly on her live YouTube show “Ask AnnMarie Rose”.

 Devi and AnnMarie discuss:

AnnMarie’s life story as a brand development expert Building a purposeful brand Considering a purposeful brand The impact that you want to make in the world How to grow your brand online Knowing that you can’t read the label from inside the bottle Bridging two different aspects of your work Creating a unified brand across platforms Having a signature platform to share your services Having a social platform to engage with Starting conversations on Instagram Wearing what reflects the real you Consistency as an important tool in branding Showing the different versions of who you are on your social platform Being mindful of how your audience is going to receive your message Reflecting what people are feeling with your brand visuals Cross-checking the alignment of your ideas with your message Determining how you want your voice or message to come across Sharing a message that reflects your soul Allowing your gut to tell you if you are making a good decision or not Knowing that you don’t need everything to be perfect Getting enough clarity with your message Starting conversations with people online 

and more…

Connect with AnnMarie @