In this episode, Devi chats with Thom Singer about “The Business of Speaking.”

Devi and Thom discuss:

Thom’s motivating life journey as a speaker His ambition of being an actor The evolution of “networking” How to connect with people Understanding the meaning of business The “Paradox of Potential” Building a process of being a speaker Building business relationships The qualifications needed to join the NSA Finding your niche Characteristics of a professional speaker Dealing with stage fright as a speaker Redirecting inappropriate questions Thom's rituals and practices before speaking Having private time with the Divine Building influence for your business How to help others build their influence as a speaker Trying new things Being passionate with your calling Finding your connection with your clients How to find “speaking topics” Connecting with people in a gadget crazy world Figuring out who you are and just being okay with it

and more…

Learn more about Thom:

Thom has an eclectic background working in sales, marketing and business development roles for Fortune 500 Companies, Law Firms, and entrepreneurial ventures. He is a business growth speaker whose work gets people to build influence, unlock potential, and drive performance. 

He believes that all opportunities come from people, and when we work together to find “cooperative significance” with others we all discover more success and illuminate their possibilities.

Singer is the author of twelve books, and he speaks regularly at business and association conferences around the United States and beyond. He is also the host of the widely popular “Cool Things Entrepreneurs Do” podcast. On this show he interviews entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, and business leaders from a variety of industries. He encourages his guests to share tips and ideas that can help those with an “entrepreneurial spirit” understand their potential and then go for it.

Thom and his wife, Sara, make their home in Austin, Texas and are the parents of two highly spirited daughters.

Connect with Thom @