In this episode, Devi chats with Thom Harrison about “Walk Your Why: Change the World with Your Work”.

Born in Newport News, VA, Thom’s early life was shaped by a traditional, conservative, southern, Christian upbringing in the 1960s - in a town built upon devout service to the massive military-industrial complex in which it was immersed. There was little room for questioning authority and little support for views that did not fit the norm. Self-righteousness and hypocrisy ran rampant.

Thom had a growing sense that “the norm” was not at all “normal”, and his discomfort ultimately led him to his current home just north of San Francisco. Along the way, it became increasingly clear to him that questioning authority is necessary, openness to various viewpoints is crucial, and war is not the answer to peace.

Drawn into the fledgling green building movement by the common sense principles and underpinnings of compassion for the earth and all beings, Thom extended his lifelong connection with building construction by becoming a partner in a pioneering consensus-based natural building company. He then experienced a mind-blowing, life-affirming epiphany that his mission here on earth was simply this: Ecology, Compassion, Oneness. Knowing not what else to do with such a call from the Universe, Thom founded an interior design business, called AlterECO.

Over 20 years since answering that call from the perspective of “ECO-designer and green-builder”, his Vision has now pulled him into a deeper understanding of and commitment to his calling, as he joyfully discovers his evolving role as the Whys. Guide - helping professionals, small business owners, and entrepreneurs change the world with their work, by awakening to work that truly matters. To Thom, this is what it means to Walk Your Why.

 Devi and Thom discuss:

Thom’s entrepreneurial and spiritual journey Thom’s journey into coaching as a spiritual entrepreneur The definition of ecology, compassion, and oneness Deciding to stay or not to stay with your business Taking care of the Ecology Healing relationships Having a meaningful conversation The need to help other people Reflecting on higher ideals Awakening the “dreamer” Being on purpose with your work The “Pachamama Alliance” Walking your “why” and advancing your life and work Harmony in your life, family, and environment Living the deepest purpose of your life Changing the ways of the world Compassion and oneness Spiritual entrepreneurship as the voice of your soul The concept of “oneness” Opening your eyes to the connection Believing your reason to live The importance of love to your life

and more...

Connect with Thom @,,