In this episode, Devi chats with Jim Vogt about "Financial Fraud Protection".  Financial fraud is a Threat to Every Organization and the Greatest Risk Within the Organization. How Great is the Risk and What Steps Can Be Taken?

Jim is located in San Diego, Jim Vogt is presently a Lecturer with the University of Colorado Denver and San Diego State University, teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in Fraud Examination, Forensic Accounting, White Collar and Financial Crimes, and Fraud Auditing. He is also an entrepreneur and John C. Maxwell Certified Leadership Coach, Teacher, Trainer, and Speaker.

Devi and Jim discuss:

Jim’s life story and experiences How to protect your business from financial fraud Awareness of financial fraud The Entrepreneur’s mindset around fraud Jim's recommendations for people about “outsourcing services” How to do background checks on organizations “Expectations” - one of the greatest enemies of a spiritual entrepreneur Reviewing your transactions “Identity theft” in business The “Dark Web” Reporting “Identity theft” to the authorities The reality of “fraud” The benefits of having a little bit of “skepticism” Doing a risk assessment in your business Insurance that protects against “employee theft” Protecting yourself and your business in company partnerships Being aware of the money that’s coming in and that’s going out Being aware of your company activities What unexplained changes in lifestyle can signal Trusting your own intuition Maintaining alignment with your values and principles Walking your “talk”

and more...

More about Jim:

Jim has undergraduate degrees from Regis University in Business Administration and Psychology. In 2007, he completed his MS in Economic Crime Management from Utica College of Syracuse University. In 2008, he earned his credentials as a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), and began teaching with the University of Colorado Denver. 

Prior to this, Jim had a long career in financial services, primarily in operations and treasury management. As a payment systems expert, he became very interested in fraud. He is passionate about teaching and the subject matter and relishes the opportunity to bring this subject matter to MS Accounting and MBA students, as well as business professionals. His subject matter is multi-disciplinary - involving accounting, law, criminology, and psychology, among other things. Jim finds it most rewarding to introduce students to this material for the first time and help them discover a new potential interest or career path. He loves making a difference in the lives of his students, as well as business owners and professionals.

Connect with Jim @

Resources Mentioned: “All the Queens Horses” Netflix Stories