(Septemberfest) In this episode, Devi chats with Lea Bayles about “Creating a Soul-big Life”. Lea Bayles is a holistic wellness expert, leadership mentor, speaker and radio show host. Recovering from an immune system crash woke her up to the extraordinary power of healing within and led her to a 20-year career in holistic wellness.

Entrepreneurs, creatives, and change-makers hire Lea when they realize they are playing a too-small game and they want to expand into the creative power, joy, and magic of their true potential. Lea blends a master’s in psychology with extensive experience in education, spirituality, theater, energy medicine, mind-body healing, and expressive arts. She is the host of the We Are More Radio Show and has created numerous meditations, interview series, articles, spoken word performances, and the popular guidebook, Take Back Your Life: Moving from Chronic Pain to Lifelong Healing.

Devi and Lea discuss:

• Lea’s interesting journey of creating a soul-big life
• About waking up and playing with your soul
• Realizing and creating the opportunity to listen to your body
• Tips on Hearing the internal call of your soul
• Paying attention to the inner experience of our lives
• Unplugging yourself from the expectations of the outer world
• Reconnecting with your sacred source
• Creating an intention to guide you
• Conversing with the Divine
• Cultivating the mind space to open bigger solutions
• Having time to spend with your own personal space
• Structuring your schedule within your business and personal life
• Focusing on your priorities
• Having the discipline to get what needs to be done
• Surrendering yourself and your situation to the Divine
• Experiencing the Divine Intervention
• Cultivating "miracle mindset"
• Shifting to the positive bias from the negative bias
• Remembering who you really are beyond your roles
• Realizing that you are a miracle
• Remembering that little things over time make a big difference
• Tuning in to your vibes

and more...

Connect with Lea on her website @ leabayles.com

On Facebook @ facebook.com/leabaylesfan