In this episode, Devi chats with Amy Schuber about “Transformation from the Inside Out”. Amy Schuber is a Life & Business Coach. She has been working with women leaders, entrepreneurs and individuals for the past decade. She loves guiding women back to themselves with her strategic mind, savvy spirituality, curated resources and straight up smarts. She has an innate ability to see a client’s true potential and strategies needed to unlock the possibilities. Amy is also the host of the Inspired Conversations bringing insight from today’s thought leaders to help all of us live into life and business in the most conscious, mindful way!  Amy truly believes, "You are the one you’ve been waiting for". 

Devi and Amy discuss:  

Amy's Inspiring Life Transformation from the Inside Out  The meaning of "Transformation from the Inside Out"  Realizing that you have the power   Realizing that you are the one that you’ve been waiting for  Your possible transformation in business from the inside out  Learning to trust yourself   Allowing yourself to be vulnerable Some inner cues that can help you stay in alignment with the "You" that you’re waiting for  Taking care of yourself  Listening to your own body  Keeping yourself grounded  Tips on how to have a good solid “No”  Giving yourself some space  Owning and honoring your “Yes”  Allowing yourself to take opportunities  Learning how to do some self-exploration  Putting your own voice out into the world Taking a leap of faith vs. a “super calculated plan”  Tips on how to discover your perfect path as you take the next step of the journey  Experiencing the internal journey   Asking people about your unique or top qualities and knowing what to do with them Tips on how to integrate your top qualities into your business Allowing yourself to be "present"  

and more…  

Connect with Amy on her show website "Inspired Conversations with Amy Schuber" @