In this episode, Devi chats with Billy Mandarino about “The Now-ist”.  Billy is an artist, musician, and business owner. Billy experienced a flash of enlightenment, one very unusual day on a golf course. A mystical series of synchronistic events led him to find his ultimate calling: teaching, speaking and sharing his inspiration and love of The Now-ist with the world.

Devi and Billy discuss:

Billy’s transformative journey to teaching about the Now-ist Moving through fear into the Now Moving from “doing” into “being” The Power of Positive Imaging  Synchronicity Being of service, while "thinking from the end" The illusion of time The "Satori" that Billy experienced on the golf course The Now-ist symbol and what it represents Where Physical and Divine time intersect, you find the Now The gift of the breath to get us out of time and into the present The power to co-create through imagination Living 90% of the day as a "Now-ist" Billy's 4 Count Breathing Meditation technique  The Contrast of Living in the "Now" vs. the "Past" or "Future" Why Billy no longer sets goals  Thinking "from the end" vs. "about the end"  The greatest gift from God is found in your imagination The immensity that your soul desires Connecting to the mind of God and the I AM presence  Living as a bi-terrestrial How Billy created his book "Now" | "Won" The power of the present moment A typical "day in the life" of a "Now-ist"

and more…

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Get the Now-ist on Amazon @

Learn more about Billy:

Billy lives in Santa Barbara, California with his wonderful wife, Desa Marie, and their incredible daughter, Gianna. Billy claims that he fell in love with his wife and Santa Barbara simultaneously. This is the magical city that brought them together more than twenty-five years ago.

The inspiration and truth Billy Mandarino presents in The Now-ist is a life-changing creation. Not only for the author but more importantly, the readers and souls he serves. With a spiritual hunger that is never quenched, Billy dives deep into the essence of us all. He takes the commonplace and makes it “real.”

Growing up in a five-sibling, multiple-divorces family, with all its dynamic layers and change, initially shaped the author’s spirituality. Transformed by various religious practices and study throughout his life, he has recognized via life experience, the treasures that reside within us all to be discovered. It is his ultimate calling to light the way, for the ones called to the same magnetic energy that inspired him to write this very book.

Billy has a presence that is felt in his writing and penetrates even deeper in person. Most of his life, people are drawn to him for advice and direction in all areas of life. He is incessantly of service to others and has recognized that the inspiration to write The Now-ist is his highest calling. He feels uniquely blessed to share his light with millions around the globe.

Resources Mentioned:

The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale:
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho: