In this episode, Devi chats with Sara about “Career Transitioning for Spiritual Entrepreneurs”. Sara McArdle coaches women to find work that delights and energizes them and aligns with a deeper sense of purpose. 

Devi and Sara discuss:

How Sara transitioned into her current career Nonviolent and Compassionate Communication What Sara did when she realized that she was not fulfilled in her original career of choice The question that Sara asked her friends to help her dial-in on what she might love to do for work Following the "signs from the Universe" Living as a complete expression of yourself Giving yourself permission to look at the things that are calling to you How to use a "Connecting Meditation" to guide you forward "Passions" vs "Interests" What are the things that you lose time doing or that you find yourself talking excitedly about vs. what are the things you think you should be doing How to stay open and present to the clear "signs from the Universe" that show up Keeping a synchronicity journal Great tips for distinguishing what is your “yes” vs what other people want you to do What to do when you get sucked into making other people happy How to communicate the transition that you are choosing to the people in your life The importance of support in making a significant career transition How to build support networks for your transition What to consider when you are making the leap from corporate to having your own business Advice for people who have multiple career interests

and more…

More about Sara:

Sara wasn't born with an obvious "calling.” In fact, while she knew when she started working as a professional graphic designer that something was missing, she waited nearly 20 years to make a change. In 2013, she began practicing Compassionate Communication—a discipline that helps people transform negative self-talk, identify what matters most to them and take steps toward a more wonderful life. Her experience of empowering herself and others was so transformative and inspiring that she pursued a Whole Person Coach® certification and launched a business to help women recognize and make the most of their unique gifts, and—like her—find work they’re madly in love with. Today, she works one-on-one coaching women, she hosts workshops and events, and she chairs the board of a youth organization which builds interfaith communities that embody a culture of peace. More than anything, Sara loves to help others connect more deeply with themselves and each other to make the rest of their lives the best of their lives. 

Connect with Sara on her website @
Sara’s Podcast: Women Who Went For It

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