Join me this Fri 9/9 for my Live Release & Receive Clearing + Activation!  

In this transmission, we are going to do some powerful Quantum Clearing work to re-code your DNA & energy field...

To support in releasing old programming based in fear/lack/scarcity/dis-trust in self, etc...

And activating and anchoring into your Divine blueprint, aligned abundance, deep trust in self/Source, and bringing more of your multidimensional gifts online.

💖 This will be a 60-90 minute transmission, co-creative conversation.

💖 Light Language Activation done live, with additional energy work + subconscious reprogramming throughout.

💖 Chance to win one of my gorgeous Power Pendants! (must be on the live to qualify)

💖 This is only offered once live -- and yes, replay will be sent for you to keep.

💖 Don't worry if you can't make the live-- this is a timeless, multidimensional transmission.

It will be just as potent if you need to watch the replay in your own time. (Of course I would obvi LOVE to see you there live) ☺️

(This isn't going to be available to purchase on my site after the live, so lock in your spot now)




For questions or details on other programs, Mastermind, or Private Coaching-- Message me on instagram @thespiritualbossbabe!


Thank you for tuning into the SBB podcast!  Tag me when you listen on insta @thespiritualbossbabe & leave some love by leaving a review on iTunes.  Your support is so appreciated!