Thank you so much for listening-- let me know when you do, by tagging me on instagram @thespiritualbossbabe! (Also OMG we are almost at HALF A MIL downloads!!!) Say whaaat?!  THANK YOU for being part of this with me!

If you're loving the podcast, the best way to support is to leave a review on iTunes & share with your spiritual besties if you're called!  I would SO appreciate that!

Couple more things before you go...

I have a few bomb programs and ways to work with me coming up that I want to share with you! Tune in & see if any call to you.

1.) The Ultimate Upgrade 7 Day MagicMind-- This is a 7 day last focused mini mastermind starting next week! (If the link is still up and open, you're good to jump in).

We will have one main kick off Mastermind call, where I’ll get a pulse on the energy of the group, where you’re at, and what you’re needing support with…

There will also be a Voxer Vortex (voice note app) where I will check in with the group daily and share prompts, channeled downloads/coaching, and action steps to take immediately to support your next quantum leap.

I want to make this super fun (obvi), actionable, tailored to the specific people in the group— and deliver mega results + leave you with loads of inspiration for your biz going forward.

Investment is only $222 and just running this once.

Learn more & lock in your spot here.


2.) STAR POWER Program: Next round starts in Aug and enrollment is open NOW!  

STAR POWER is a 6 week LIVE Group Coaching Vortex where you embody your most influential self-- through your energy & expression...
So you can make a Quantum Impact.

This is what takes you from blending in with everyone else & watering down the power of your message & sacred work...
To embodied leader who stands the f*ck out, and has clients, money, & opportunities flocking to you because of the frequency you are emitting & the confidence that radiates from you. 

This is a multidimensional program, and too much to share here, so go check it out and learn more + sign up here!


3.) New Paradigm Leaders Mastermind: SIX Month Mastermind - Personal and Business Expansion for New Paradigm Leaders here to birth a New Earth!!

The official invite is HERE.

The journey through New Paradigm Leaders Mastermind is one of major evolution, and of operating in full alignment with who you are, what you came here to do, and what brings you ultimate fulfillment & abundance in overflow.

This journey is for those who have answered their higher calling, and are deeply committed to embodying their highest expression, and creating the greatest impact with their sacred work.

Through our time together, you will completely upgrade the way you show up in the world (energetically AND physically), and the power of your message, and sacred offers-- in support of your higher mission and global impact.

If this is resonating for you in your heart and soul, I'd love for you to join me.

If you have ANY Q's about any of these offers, reach out to me on instagram @thespiritualbossbabe!