I find it amusing that the final episode of 2021 is episode #221, and the first of 2022 will be episode 222 haha.

Anywayyy-  Girrrrrl...I have SO much in store for you in the New Year.  First-- we are kicking things off for my free Masterclass:  Made For Millions on 1/10 and it's going to set the tone for your biggest Quantum Leap year yet.

This Masterclass is focused all on HOLDING the vibration and belief of what you desire BEFORE it shows up in your reality.  This truly is the key to collapsing time!!

I can't wait to share this with you and hope to see you there!

Click here to sign up right now!!


Thanks for tuning into the podcast!  I SO appreciate you!  Tag me on instagram when you listen @TheSpiritualBossBabe & if you're getting a lot of value, it would make my heart so happy if you leave some love on iTunes by leaving a review!

See ya in the next episode!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!!