Adella was born and raised in El Salvador. Although she was brought up in the catholic religion, her parents were always open and intrigued by spirituality. When she was 16 years old her mother took her to a pineal gland event where for the first time she was introduced to meditation, connecting to her intuition, basically she was introduced to the spiritual world. From that moment on she felt in love with spirituality. She saw how spirituality healed her parents and took them from being in victim mode and constantly reacting to things to really taking control over their lives and purposefully creating their reality.

Growing up she pursued many interests such as making her own music album when she was 17 years old, working in the hospitality business, creating two fashion stores. Adella was sure she was born to be an entrepreneur but something didn’t feel quite right. Just when she through her destiny would be in fashion she felt in love and started a relationship abroad with her boyfriend from New York while she lived in El Salvador. She wasn’t sure where all of this was going, the only thing she knew is that it felt amazing.

A year and a half later they found out they were having a baby and decided to get married. Adella moved to New York and although her personal life was better than ever, she felt totally lost in her career life. Through a beautiful crisis and letting go of all of her expectations she was able to see that her purposed had always been right in front of her. She felt a profound calling to start helping others through the Mayan Kin an ancient sacred tool that had changed her life. Since the moment she started pursuing this every door started opening up. She spent some months studying to become a coach and a certified Mayan Kin practitioner and even before she was open for business clients where already booking her. She understood clearly that the universe was supporting her on every way to follow this path. She never thought that her biggest passion (spirituality) would actually become her career. Now she dedicates her time on 1:1 coaching helping her clients get the breakthroughs they have been hoping for through this sacred tool.


You can find her here: