Are you at a new expansion point?!  Congrats-- so many codes and wisdom are being uploaded within you!  I hope this episode supports you in massive ways!

Mastermind Deets: If you're an established entrepreneur-ess & you're going through a major evolution within yourself and your whole business-- I want to invite you to New Paradigm Leaders Mastermind...

Spend 6 months with me and a small group of amazing souls & Grow Your Multidimensional Business, Collapse Timelines,& Skyrocket Your Impact & Income, With Your Soul Driven Work-- learn more & apply here.


Star Power: The next round of Star Power (my signature 6 week program) will begin in the fall & I've added even more magic to this experience!  Star Power is where you turn up the power and potency of who you are & channel that into your message, offers, & how you're serving and sharing your gifts with the world. Learn more & apply here.


If you're interested in any other self study programs of mine-- visit my site here, For private coaching options--  DM me on insta @thespiritualbossbabe


I love you & thank you so much for listening to the podcast!