October has been quite the pressure cooker. Relationships, jobs, situations, you name it has felt very volatile and it's not been much fun. But there's good news...November is bringing in some much calmer waters (energetically speaking).

1) Shifts & changes to schedules - so it's important to be adaptable.

2) Out with the old and in with the new - things that you've been waiting on, will begin the process of wrapping up.

3) Opportunities will be surfacing - wrapping up the old will bring in new opportunities.

4) Unexpected returns - regarding finances such as money you didn't expect, gifts, or unexpected savings on things or bills.

Also, I just finished recording the last of my videos for the Spirit Communication class, I will be giving you an update. Plus, I talk more about sensitive children and the vitamin patches that I'm super excited about. :)

If you want to take a look at the VITAMIN PATCHES I talk about you can do that here: https://keystospirit.innov8tivenutrition.com/

FREE EMPATH MASTERCLASS: 5 Simple (But POWERFUL) Energy Management Techniques! https://www.empowered-empath.com/everwebinar-master-your-energy/

ONLINE CLASSES/TRAINING/COACHING (EMPATH UNIVERSITY): https://empath-university.com/courses

Join my SPIRIT COMMUNITY (Ask for an invite here): https://www.facebook.com/groups/keystothespiritworld/

TAKE EMPATH QUIZ: Do you wonder if you are an Empath? Find out now…https://www.empowered-empath.com/empath-sensitivity-quiz/

DOWNLOAD CHI MEDITATION: Ready to raise your vibration? https://www.empowered-empath.com/empath-chi-meditation/

DOWNLOAD ANGEL CLEARING MEDITATION: Do you need energetic protection? https://www.empowered-empath.com/angel-clearing-meditation/