Maryn Azoff (Tribe of Love, Cura Cura) is a long-time singer, musician, Spirit lifter, Soul emancipator and fear crusher. She has been on a mission of connecting people all over the world to the power of the human voice for many years and does so through a unique program and healing modality she created called ‘Vocal Transformation’.

I first met Maryn through another guest on this show, Beth Weinstein (the Psychedelic Entrepreneur). I then attended Maryn’s Vocal Transformation Expedition in California in Oct 2021.

The goal of Maryn’s work is to reawaken the innate intelligence of the body-mind-spirit connection through the faculty of the human voice. Her approach to healing is vibrational. A true student of earth and spirit, Maryn has dedicated many years of her life to studying ancient wisdom by participating in a wide variety of healing circles

from many different cultures, ranging from Vedic and Tibetan wisdom traditions to South American shamanism.

In addition to working directly with private students, she also facilitates ‘Vocal Transformation’ workshops globally, as a mission to help in the awakening of humanity. The driving force behind her work is the aspiration that we can remember who we are and the power that we all have to bring about a true shift in consciousness where we all live as one on Earth.

What you’ll learn in this episode:The origin story of the Vocal Transformation methodHow to wake up your personal powerHow the voice works with the law of attractionRadical Honesty in relationshipHow King Solomon used group sex magicMaryn’s superhero backstory

“You don’t learn things until you physically embody it”-Maryn Azoff

“Mastering Your Ego is the key to the kingdom of heaven on Earth”-Maryn Azoff

“Sex is one of the greatest medicines for humans. Orgasms bring a surge of cosmic life force energy”-Maryn Azoff

“If your voice is not free to express it’s truth, someone else is driving the ship”-Maryn Azoff

“Your Voice is a magnifier of the law of attraction”-Maryn Azoff

“Our own voice is the most healing tool for the human race” -Maryn Azoff

“The illusion of separation is what gets us to mistreat each other”-Maryn Azoff

“I now know that singing is prayer.” -Maryn Azoff

“Our ego and self-identity is one energy.” -Maryn Azoff

“The power within the human frequency of our voice creates a physical world.” -Maryn Azoff

“Most of us believe that the world is happening to us, but we are co creators of this entire experience.” -Maryn Azoff

“What we do every single day of our lives matter.” -Maryn Azoff

“Even if the human voice is not seen with the eyes, it is a physically measurable thing.” -Maryn Azoff

“Most human beings when they were a child express themselves freely.” -Maryn Azoff

“Every single adult in this planet is a child.” -Maryn Azoff

If you would like to learn more please book a Discovery Call here:

If you would like to learn more about Kelle's Ascend program please visit

What Is Your Shadow Work Readiness Score?

Take the Quiz:


-For more information about Kelle Sparta or Kelle Sparta Enterprises:


-Driveabout (Full Version)

Maryn Azoff (Tribe of Love, Cura Cura) is a long-time singer, musician, Spirit lifter, Soul emancipator and fear crusher. She has been on a mission of connecting people all over the world to the power of the human voice for many years and does so through a unique program and healing modality she created called ‘Vocal Transformation’.

I first met Maryn through another guest on this show, Beth Weinstein (the Psychedelic Entrepreneur). I then attended Maryn’s Vocal Transformation Expedition in California in Oct 2021.

The goal of Maryn’s work is to reawaken the innate intelligence of the body-mind-spirit connection through the faculty of the human voice. Her approach to healing is vibrational. A true student of earth and spirit, Maryn has dedicated many years of her life to studying ancient wisdom by participating in a wide variety of healing circles

from many different cultures, ranging from Vedic and Tibetan wisdom traditions to South American shamanism.

In addition to working directly with private students, she also facilitates ‘Vocal Transformation’ workshops globally, as a mission to help in the awakening of humanity. The driving force behind her work is the aspiration that we can remember who we are and the power that we all have to bring about a true shift in consciousness where we all live as one on Earth.

What you’ll learn in this episode:The origin story of the Vocal Transformation methodHow to wake up your personal powerHow the voice works with the law of attractionRadical Honesty in relationshipHow King Solomon used group sex magicMaryn’s superhero backstory

“You don’t learn things until you physically embody it”-Maryn Azoff

“Mastering Your Ego is the key to the kingdom of heaven on Earth”-Maryn Azoff

“Sex is one of the greatest medicines for humans. Orgasms bring a surge of cosmic life force energy”-Maryn Azoff

“If your voice is not free to express it’s truth, someone else is driving the ship”-Maryn Azoff

“Your Voice is a magnifier of the law of attraction”-Maryn Azoff

“Our own voice is the most healing tool for the human race” -Maryn Azoff

“The illusion of separation is what gets us to mistreat each other”-Maryn Azoff

“I now know that singing is prayer.” -Maryn Azoff

“Our ego and self-identity is one energy.” -Maryn Azoff

“The power within the human frequency of our voice creates a physical world.” -Maryn Azoff

“Most of us believe that the world is happening to us, but we are co creators of this entire experience.” -Maryn Azoff

“What we do every single day of our lives matter.” -Maryn Azoff

“Even if the human voice is not seen with the eyes, it is a physically measurable thing.” -Maryn Azoff

“Most human beings when they were a child express themselves freely.” -Maryn Azoff

“Every single adult in this planet is a child.” -Maryn Azoff

If you would like to learn more please book a Discovery Call here:

If you would like to learn more about Kelle's Ascend program please visit

What Is Your Shadow Work Readiness Score?

Take the Quiz:


-For more information about Kelle Sparta or Kelle Sparta Enterprises:


-Driveabout (Full Version)

--Written by: Kelle Sparta

--Performed by: Kelle Sparta and Daniel Singer

--Produced by: Daniel Singer



Licensing and Credits:

“Spirit Sherpa” is the sole property of Kelle Sparta Enterprises and is distributed under a Creative Commons: BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. For more information about this licensing, please go to Any requests for deviations to this licensing should be sent to [email protected]. To sign up for, or get more information on the programs, offerings, and services referenced in this episode, please go to Post-production of this episode of “Spirit Sherpa” has been done by Christopher Wright. Individual Podcast Covers designed by Aleksandra Taraschansky.