🌟🤝 Join Us Live! Becoming a Lightworker - A Niche Intensive with Gabrielle Laura 🚀💫

Exciting news, spiritual seekers! 🌟 Join us on a live and interactive journey to explore the path of "Becoming a Lightworker." 💡🌠

In this special episode of the Spirit Sherpa podcast, we're hosting a niche-intensive session with the remarkable Gabrielle Laura. Discover how to embrace your calling, shine your light, and make a meaningful impact on the world as a Lightworker.

Kelle Sparta and Gabrielle Laura explore Gabrielle's signature product Niche Clarity Intensive. Gabrielle walks us through a mini session with Justine and comes up with a clear plan for Justine's business and how to navigate moving forward and going towards her aligned niche in 2022.

Gabrielle Laura is a niche expert and coach who helps women turn their story into a thriving coaching business through her signature trio, niche clarity, profitable programs, and aligned sales strategies. She went from making $0 in her business for the first six months to helping women all over the world find their aligned niche and use their stories to make an impact. If you're trying to find your secret sauce in the online business world, Gabrielle is your go-to girl. 

Niche Clarity Intensive™️: https://gabriellelaura.com/niche-clarity-intensive/


-For more information about Kelle Sparta or Kelle Sparta Enterprises:


-Driveabout (Full Version) https://youtu.be/biD21gy6qZk

--Written by: Kelle Sparta

--Performed by: Kelle Sparta and Daniel Singer

--Produced by: Daniel Singer


#SpiritSherpaPodcast #BecomingALightworker #LiveNicheIntensive #PodcastLove #SpiritualJourney #LightworkerPath #SpiritualGrowth

Licensing and Credits:

“Spirit Sherpa” is the sole property of Kelle Sparta Enterprises and is distributed under a Creative Commons: BY-NC-ND 4.0 license. For more information about this licensing, please go to www.creativecommons.org. Any requests for deviations to this licensing should be sent to [email protected]. To sign up for, or get more information on the programs, offerings, and services referenced in this episode, please go to www.kellesparta.com. Post-production of this episode of “Spirit Sherpa” has been done by Christopher Wright.