Date: 21 April 2020

This week our guest is Peta Kelly. 
Peta earned a first-class honors degree but at the age of 22, following an unseen pull towards something more, she dropped her Ph.D. and future career as a science nerd. Driven by a desire to retire her mum and change the narrative for the millennial generation she started her first business pursuit in network marketing and went on to be earning 7 figures a year by the age of 26. Setting her up to be able to do all the things her soul called her to. 
She's the jeaniius behind The New Way Live events, Supercharged program, Earthess and a bunch more. She is one of the most generous angel givers I know,  the author of Earth is Hiring, Earth is Hiring for kids and last week launched her newest book Stop Missing the Point. 
When it comes to business and creativity she has so much grounded brilliance to share with our generation. 
With the offering of this episode, we honor everyone's experience of this moment right now.  For some the global pandemic has been a time of heightened creativity and a welcome break from the chaos of everyday schedules, a time to spend with family. For others its been a terrifying experience facing financial insecurity or the loss of loved ones. Without bypassing any of the very real experiences that people are going through right now this conversation is a very forward-thinking one. We explore what the coronavirus means now and for the future and how essential personal choice is for creating a future that is fairer for all. Peta shares thoughts on the future of money and business and a whole bunch more. 
As always, take what feels good for you and leave whatever doesn’t. I hope this episode leaves you feeling energized about our shared futures. 

In this episode we explore:
Why the coronavirus pandemic was the only way we could have a collective shift in reality
Shifting focus from on our systems and money being to blame to self-responsibility 
How important owning your own choices are and on consciously choosing for things to be different
Rethinking our stories about how “it’s not realistic” and “the systems not set up to support me” 
The role of culture in the future
Money and business post-corona
When our souls work can become self-neglect 
Humility and the collective and individual lessons brought by coronavirus

Resources + mentions: 
Find Peta on instagram-
Buy Petas books/programmes:
Earth is Hiring
Earth is Hiring for Kids
Stop Missing the Point
Scripting Mess-ta-class
Charles Eisenstein podcast-