Get ready for a conversation about things not turning out like you planned -- and how to handle it. But even better, this week's guest is not here with the typical, run-of-the-mill fail-to-succeed story we hear so often from startup land. No, the female founder on the Spirit of 608 podcast this week is coming back to the show for a second time as a prime example of how pivoting can happen - and become necessary - even when you've had all the successes other startups dream of: the coveted spot in one of the industry's top pitch competitions, placement in a respected accelerator program, a paid pilot program with a household name big box retailer and notably successful results from testing its product with retail partners. So what happens when you succeed, and it's still not enough to get your business where you want it to be? How do you persist? This is one fashion startup founder's story and advice for doing just that.

Meet this week's guest, Camilla Olson, Founder of Savitude.

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What you'll learn

How could a successful pilot program with a national retailer that lasted for 18 months result in, well, nothing? It's not what you'd expect from a startup that seemingly made all the right moves. You'll hear why things that work sometimes don't work out. Plus, what Camilla chose to do about it to push her business into the next phase.

How you'll be inspired

Have you heard quotes and hyperbole about all that's beautiful and alive in this world coming forth from darkness? Listen to Camilla's story to hear how a troubled childhood helped this startup entrepreneur (and one of the very earliest female venture capitalists) hone her problem solving skills as a coping mechanism. It's poignant, and it will make you think.

What you'll tell your friends

Girl, get a dog. Every entrepreneur should get one, says Camilla. Entrepreneurship can get lonely and demanding, and Camilla says the best way for her to be able to cope with all the baggage she has to carry as a founder is to be able come home to the unconditional love of a furry four-pawed friend. Find out more about how Camilla's rescue dog helps her in her business on this week's episode.

Resource(s) of the week

Camilla has 3 tools she's excited to share: Asana, to get stuff done; Slidebean, for some sick presentations; and The Sales Enablement Playbook by Corey Bray, the best sales book Camilla says she's read.

Connect with Camilla Olson



Instagram: @savitude

Twitter: @savitudeai

Mentioned in this episode:

Listen to Camilla's first episode on the Spirit of 608 podcast: From Biotech to Fashion & Beyond with Camilla Olson, Serial Entrepreneur and Women’s Empowerment Advocate


Techcrunch Battlefield




The Sales Enablement Playbook by Cory Bray

  Find more episodes featuring women at the forefront of FEST online at

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