Why aren't you getting the press you know your brand deserves? I'll walk through three common barriers FEST founders tell me stand in the way of their media outreach in this PressDope minisode - and what you can do about it, or not do about it, as the case may be.

Listen in for:


- Three extremely common challenges faced by FEST founders who want to do their own PR

- The thing FEST founders think they need - and probably don't - to start their media outreach

- Why building a media list doesn't need to be the colossal task you think it is

- Where you can steal time so you can actually DIY your own PR and media outreach

A few links from the show:

How to Set Up Google Alerts to Monitor Media

Automating Media Monitoring with IFTTT and Pocket

But is Your Fashion Ecommerce Site Truly Ready for Press Attention?