In this solo episode of the Spirit of 608 podcast, I get personal about my own anxiety and offer up 5 tried-and-true ways to revive your mindset when you’re suddenly hit with a wave of anxiousness, imbalance or overwhelm. I’m pulling the inspiration for this episode directly from my own super anxious day earlier this week, but the advice I’m offering up comes from figuring out what works for me through years of grappling with mindset highs and lows during life transitions, entrepreneurship, parenting and good old-fashioned, semi-ridiculous bouts of comparison-itis. I hope what I’m sharing here today can help you revive your mindset the next time you’re feeling less than your most confident, powerful self so you can get back to the amazing, impactful things you are up to in the world.

Listen to this solo episode for the shortlist of ways I’d advise a client or a close friend to move forward on a tough day — and if you already know these, let this be one of those reinforcing episodes to help bring your mind back into alignment with where you’re truly headed.

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